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Linear recessed or ceiling-mounted germicidal lamp with stainless steel body and IP40—55/EC protection rating.
HNS series germicidal and ozone-generator lamp. Operation without personnel.
Protective guard for Inex Germi germicidal lamp
Luminaire for sterile and aseptic rooms with complete laminar flow
with IP65 protection rating, IMQ and EC approved.
Ceiling light with energy-saving indirect light. Luminaire for false ceilings.
Recessed luminaire for sterile and aseptic rooms with IP54 protection rating, IMQ and EC approved.
Lighting system energy-saving indirect light.
Electronic power supply
Electromagnetic power supply
Recessed LED lighting fixture for sterile and aseptic rooms
with IP55 protection degree, CE approved.
Recessed luminaire for sterile and aseptic rooms with IP55 protection rating, IMQ and EC approved.
Recessed LED luminaire for sterile and aseptic rooms with IP55/Slim protection rating, EC approved.
Recessed luminaire for sterile and aseptic rooms which can be walked on with IP55 protection rating, EC approved.
Recessed luminaire for operating theatres with IP65 protection rating, C.E.S.I. (Italian experimental research centre) and EC approved.
Recessed luminaire for rooms with chemical agents, dust and gases with IP65/3GD protection rating, EC/Ex approved.